In November 2019, the Energy House 2.0 project hosted its first workshop around energy efficient retrofit. This was a very popular event with 21 delegates drawn from a variety of fields including property developers, architects and suppliers of retrofit technologies. Hannah Dixon was one of the attendees and at the time was operating as a sole trader as an architect and Passivhaus designer.
The workshop was quite a turning point for me; I made some really useful contacts which subsequently resulted in some quite significant work for me. I also gained really valuable insights into the practical issues around the energy efficiency aspects of retrofit which has been to the benefit of my designs. It was two days well spent.
Hannah Dixon

In 2021, with an increasing workload Hannah established her business as a limited company, Progress in Practice Ltd., and now has four people employed in the business with plans to expand. The company’s current portfolio is predominantly residential, both new build and deep whole-house retrofit, but Hannah sees opportunities for the Passivhaus approach in schools and commercial buildings.
Hannah is a firm believer in a co-design approach, working with clients and the community to achieve the best possible sustainable housing solutions. Hannah is also a founding member of a community housing group, Manchester Intergenerational CoHousing and has recently joined the board of Greater Manchester’s Community Led Homes Hub.
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