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Energy House 2.0

Energy House 2.0 is one of the largest purpose-built building performance test laboratories in the world. Opened in 2023, it consists of two large-scale environmental chambers where temperature (-20°C – 40°C) and humidity can be controlled. Weather rigs can be placed on buildings within the chambers. The chambers are “green field” sites, where any type of property can be constructed within the chambers. Large scale hanger doors mean that the chambers can be accessed by construction equipment, while earth pits, mean that foundations can be dug, allowing constructors to build almost as they would on a real site. Sensor arrays are built into the properties as they are constructed , giving a detailed view of the performance of the building in all aspects of energy use. This flexibility means that structures can be built, tested, and then replaced, allowing the team to investigate a wide range of UK and international building types.

The team have worked with major companies around the Future Homes Standard, as well as with small start-ups with innovative products. The team have explored building, fabric, heating systems, domestic hot water, overheating and EV performance under controlled conditions.

For information on the location of this lab please visit our visitor information page.